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ServiceNow Group Management & Agent Fulfiller Access


ServiceNow Group Management: Key Roles

A ServiceNow 'group' is a set of users who share a common purpose. Groups may perform tasks such as approving change requests, resolving incidents, receiving email notifications or performing work order tasks.

When a group is established, it is assigned a MANAGER and a DELEGATE.  The Manager is accountable for maintaining the group and ensuring that a separate Delegate is named to manage the group when the Manager is absent.  


The manager can add members to the group, and has elevated privilege's to make edits to the following fields:


Delegates are selected by the group manager and have the ability to add members to the group. (A group may have multiple delegates).


Licenses are charged to a users default workgroup. Workgroup managers can see the number of licenses they are responsible for in the Related List "Licenses."

Accessing Your Group

Managers can access and edit their groups via the My Managed Groups link in the Manager Services section of the ServiceNow navigation


To view the list of delegates assigned to your managed groups or the description of the group you must personalize the list:

Click on the gear:


Find "Delegates" in the 'Available' column and click the arrow to move it to the 'Selected' column.  Do the same with "description":

Add/Change Delegates

From the 'list view' choose the group you wish to modify. Scroll to the delegates section and click the 'lock icon' to 'Unlock Delegates.'


Use the search feature to find your delegate (must have a Unity ID).


Adding A Member To A Group

If the user being added already has an ITIL license they can be added to a new group(s) at no cost. 

If the user being added does not have an ITIL license the first group they are added to will become their default workgroup, and will incur the charges for that license.

Removing a User From a Group

You can remove users in an almost identical way.

Removing a Users License (Default assignment Group)

If you are the manager of the group paying for a user's license, you can remove all of their groups, and their license.

Switching a User's Default Assignment Group

Links to ServiceNow Environments

Once end users have been added to an assignment group by the assignment group owner, they can access the ServiceNow platform using the this link:

Advanced access, such as developer access can be requested using the ServiceNow Access Request Process.


Affected products  ServiceNow Platform