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OIT Managed Desktop Support Service: Self Service Device Driver updates for Windows devices.


2.0 - Updated on 2024-10-15 by Darrick Bremner

1.0 - Authored on 2024-03-19 by Darrick Bremner

OIT Managed Desktop Support Service:  Self Service Device Driver updates

This document is intended to instruct OIT Managed Desktop supported users on how to update Windows drivers through self-service tools that do not require admin rights. 




The Managed Desktop Services team have made vendor tools available to update your drivers without the requirement of elevated privileges or administrative rights. 


To access the appropriate tool for your device:


Open the start menu or click in your search bar.


Type “Software Center” and press enter. This will open the Windows Software Center. 

The first screen you will be greeted to is the Applications page. Here you will choose the right application for the vendor of your device. 


For Dell devices, Select Dell Tune Up - With Update.

For Lenovo Devices, Select Lenovo Update Retriever

Only one tool will be available the Software center based on the vendor of your device. 

Once you have selected the vendor application, you will be taken to an application details screen to install the application. Press “Install” or “Reinstall” depending on whether you have used this application previously. 

A blue circle will appear saying Installing..... and the button will change to say “Cancel”. . This means that the application is scanning and searching for updated drivers on your machine. 

Once completed, the button will return to a button. 


Reboot your device and all drivers should be updated. 




All questions pertaining to this document or process can be escalated to the OIT_DESKTOP_SUPPORT


Related Documentation


Title: OIT Managed Desktop Support Service:  Self Service Device Driver updates for Windows devices. 

Service: Windows Application Deployment

Template if applicable: NA

Assignment Group(s): OIT_DESKTOP_SUPPORT


Available Priorities: Medium

Keywords: Driver, update, Windows, Device, functionality, Dell, Lenovo, Command, Tune up, BIOS, firmware