How do I access my NCSU email? - %short_descr

How do I access my NCSU email?  KB0015528

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NC State University uses Gmail as its email provider. The NC State Help Desk only supports logins on and official Gmail apps. 

Note: New incoming students will not have an NC State Google account created until after they have confirmed their enrollment and have paid the Advanced Enrollment Deposit. After both of those are completed, they will need to wait 2–3 days for their email account to be created.

Signing into Gmail on your computer

  1. On your computer, go to Gmail.
    • If you are already signed into a personal or other Google account and it takes you directly to your inbox, try signing into multiple accounts.
    • If the login information for your personal or other Google account is automatically filled in, select Use another account.
    • If you see a page describing Gmail instead of the sign-in page, select Sign in in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. In the Email or Phone field, enter [your Unity ID] and select Next.
  3. On the Shibboleth Login Service page, enter your Unity ID and password. Select LOG IN.
    • Authenticate with Duo if prompted.
    • If prompted with the question "The information below would be shared with the service if you proceed. Do you agree to release this information to the service every time you access it?", select ACCEPT.

Signing into Gmail on a mobile device

To access your NCSU Gmail account on a mobile device, you will need to use the official Gmail app. Please refer to Google's instructions below for your respective device.

Signing into Gmail using a third-party email application

The preferred method of access for Gmail is through a browser or through an official Gmail app. Accessing Gmail through a third-party email app (e.g., Thunderbird, Outlook, or Apple Mail) is possible, but it is not supported by the NC State Help Desk. For any assistance with logging into third-party apps, please refer to the support documentation for those services.