Enrolling and Renewing Eduroam on iOS - %short_descr

Enrolling and Renewing Eduroam on iOS  KB0017477

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The steps below will guide you on connecting to eduroam NC State's secure wireless network. The steps for initially connecting to eduroam and renewing eduroam certificates are exactly the same.

  1. Ensure you have some form of Wi-Fi or cellular network connection 
  2. Open Safari and go to the eduroam enrollment page. Select Enroll Your Device in the Get connected banner.
    • You must use Safari to enroll in eduroam.
  3. Ensure that the site has recognized your device as iOS. Select Sign In and log in with your Unity account.
    • Safari on an iPad may present itself as macOS because it's requesting a desktop version of the page.  On the iPad go to Settings > Safari and turn off Request Desktop Site.
  4. Select JoinNowAllow your iOS device to download a configuration profile
  5. Go to Settings on your iOS device. Select the Profile Downloaded tab and install the eduroam certificate
  6. Once the installation is completed, the iOS device should automatically connect to eduroam.

If you need further assistance with enrolling in Eduroam, you can reach out to the NC State Help Desk by phone at 919-515-4357 or at help.ncsu.edu.