Add Google Resource Calendar to Personal Calendar - %short_descr

Add Google Resource Calendar to Personal Calendar   KB0015738

A Resource Calendar is one that represents a physical resource (e.g., conference room) that can be scheduled using the “Rooms, etc.” area in the calendar invite.

Subscribe to an NCSU Google Resource Calendar

  1. Open up Google Calendar -
  2. Select the + (plus) icon next to Other calendars (formerly "Add a coworker's calendar") and choose Browse Resources.

  3. You'll be presented with a list of building abbreviations. Scroll down the building list for the resource you want to add and click on the building abbreviation to expand the list of resources in that building.
  4. When you find the resource you wanted, check the checkbox that appears to the far right of that calendar name to make it appear in your personal calendar.


    Note: You can remove an unwanted resource calendar by following the same steps and unchecking the checkbox.
  5. Click the back arrow icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen to return to your personal calendar view.