Customer Center: Shop for Equipment - %short_descr

Customer Center: Shop for Equipment  KB0018241

This article explains the procedure for ordering new Equipment to accompany a new Service Request. 

Note: You must shop for the Service first and then add Equipment to the request. In this way, the Equipment is associated with the Service. If you add the Equipment to the request before adding the Service, there is no way to associate it within the Cart. You will need to remove the Equipment and start again. 

Note: Please do NOT order Stand-alone Equipment if you are replacing a phone with an active phone line. Please refer to the Order a Replacement Phone article. If you still have questions, contact Customer Service (57099, option 3) for assistance.

  1.  Hover over the Shopping menu and select Equipment to open the Equipment Catalog Categories page.
    Equipment Catalog


  2. On the left side of the screen, you will notice a section labeled Request Information. You can select an Owner (Dept OUC) and Billing Account (GLA) for your request, saving time during checkout as these fields will autofill the Edit Item Information for every item in your cart.
    Note: Skip to step 3 if your request contains items that will be billed to separate GLAs.
    1. Click ‘No owner selected’ under Owner or ‘No account selected, under Billing Account to choose a Department and Billing Account (GLA).
      New Request Information options
    2. Fill in the Request Information form:
      1. In the Who Owns This? drop-down box, leave the selection as ‘Department.’
      2. Use the field picker (magnifying glass) to help you find the Department (OUC), or start typing and selecting from the results that display. Repeat to find the Billing Account (GLA).
        Request Information form
      3. Click Submit to apply these choices to your request.
  3. Select the View Equipment button under any Equipment Category to display all the available Equipment.

    Note: The Equipment Categories section has a unique feature that allows you to choose a view.
    The default view is Grid, where each item is displayed as an icon. You can click the image or words of any equipment item to view more information about that service. The List view shows each item in a list and its full description.

  4. Click the image or words of any Equipment item to view more information about that equipment.
  5. Click +Request to add an item to your cart.
    1. If you are ordering Equipment that needs to be attached to a Service, such as a phone, add the item to the Saved Request, which contains the VoIP Service in your cart. 
      1. After you click the Request number, you will then choose to Attach to a Service:
        Attach to a Service
    2. If you are ordering Stand-Alone Equipment, such as a wall mount kit or patch cables, you can choose to Create a New Request or add the item to any Saved Requests you may have. 
      1. Choose to Add as Stand Alone.
  6. When you finish adding items to your cart, checkout by clicking the Shopping Cart icon and navigating to your Saved Request

Please refer to the Shopping Cart & Checkout article for details about completing and submitting your request.